Some Things to Remember While Practicing Yoga

  • Be gentle. Creating strain within your muscles will make it harder for the fluid to circulate, which is the exact opposite of what we’re trying to do here!
  • Wear your compression garment. Wearing your stocking or sleeve while practicing yoga provides support for your arm or leg and promote the flow of lymph. Think of it as kind of a boost to the therapy.
  • Pay attention to your body. If you begin to feel any aching or discomfort, stop what you’re doing and elevate your affected limb for a few minutes. Focus on some gentle breathing.
  • Practice conscious breathing. Breathing strengthens the diaphragm and its movement, which in turn promotes lymph flow. It is important to breathe in between poses so as to lessen the strain on your body during transition, as well as after your yoga practice.

Yoga Moves for Lymphies

These poses are taken from “Yoga for Lymphedema” on

  • Elevated legs up the wall pose. While sitting, bring the right side of your body close to a wall. Swivel your legs up the wall and lay your upper body on the floor. Lift your buttocks up off the floor a few inches and place a blanket or bolster under your tailbone. Relax here for five minutes. Repeat daily.
  • Half standing forward bend. While standing, bend your knees slightly and place your hands on a chair or a wall. Slowly try to straighten your legs by lifting your tailbone up towards the ceiling, instead of pressing your knees back. This adjustment will make the pose more intense and beneficial. Performed as a half standing forward bend, this pose will reduce swelling.
  • Modified Cat Pose. This pose will reduce risk of swelling in the arms. With a chair nearby, come onto your hands and knees. Place one arm up on the chair and round the back by tucking the tailbone. Next, do the opposite by tilting the tailbone. Repeat a few times, then switch arms and perform again.

Join a yoga class or buy a DVD that you can do at home – just remember that you may need to adjust some of the poses in order to do them comfortably. Don’t be afraid to ask your yoga instructor on how to modify the poses for you! Pay attention to your body and do not push it beyond what is comfortable for you.

Have you tried yoga as treatment before? Share your experiences in the comments section below. Namaste, lymphies!