
Hello! 👋 The Lymphie Life is currently undergoing site updates for the new year, so you may see some funky formatting in the meantime. Thanks for your patience! —Alexa

Young Alexa sits at her Dad's computer at home, talking on the phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question for me? I receive a lot of emails and comments across the blog and its social media but don’t always have time to answer, so I’ve consolidated some of the more frequently asked questions about the site — and about me — here.

Go ahead and give it a browse! If you’ve still got questions, shoot me a message through the contact form.

Questions about the Lymphie Life

How did you get started with the blog? What’s the name mean?

I started the blog in January 2011, when I was twenty years old and feeling very alone with my lymphedema. I didn’t know anyone else who had it and couldn’t find much online for young folks, so I created the blog as a way to shout into the void and see if anyone shouted back.

(Here’s a video of me just a few days after launching the site, talking about my intentions.)

The blog was called “Alexa’s Corner” at first, then “Lymphalexa.” I started referring to my readers and fellow lymphedema patients as “lymphies,” and by the summer of 2011 the blog was christened “The Lymphie Life.” It’s been that way ever since!

As for my slogan, I created ” Stay elevated” because of the double meaning: not only is it about being positive and rising above, but it’s also one of the main techniques for managing our lymphedema swelling. Kind of neat, huh?

Do you run the blog full-time?

That would be the dream! The reality is I work full-time on the marketing and communications team of a medical device company, and work on the blog in the evenings and weekends.

The blog often feels like a job in itself, though: all the research, writing, drafting, editing, re-writing, graphic design, asset management, social media management, etc. — that’s all me. And I love every second of it! (I just wish I had more seconds to spend on it.)

What’s the post schedule?

Because it’s just me, myself, and I running The Lymphie Life, post frequency (and email responses…) can be a little spotty. Sometimes there’s a couple posts a month, sometimes there’s a post every couple months — it’s not ideal, but that’s the current situation until I figure out a realistic balance between my job, my blog, and sleep.

The best way to stay up-to-date on new blog posts is to subscribe via email or follow The Lymphie Life on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

I sent you an email / left you a comment but haven’t heard back yet. When can I expect an answer?

I read (and appreciate!) all comments and emails as they come in, but I don’t always have time to respond. Between work and personal life, things can pile up quick.

If you’re looking for recommendations on things like lymphie-friendly footwear or where to find a therapist, I encourage you to check out the links page. It’s chock full of resources that may help you find an answer before I get a chance to reply.

If you’re looking for info on a specific topic, pop it into the site’s search function. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, let me know — it could be a future post!

If I send you a photo or a description of my symptoms, can you tell me if I have lymphedema / an infection?

No, sorry. I’m not a medical professional, so it’s best for you to contact your doctor or lymphedema therapist for any and all medical advice. Same goes for questions about your treatment, too.

Do you make money blogging?

Aside from the products I’m sent to review, the 5% royalty on sales from my online store, and a few ads run by WordPress: no, I don’t make any real money or earn an income from blogging. I pay out of pocket to cover the costs associated with running the website, however I’m looking into unobtrusive ways to monetize in the future.

If you enjoy the blog and want to buy me a coffee though, you can do so through PayPal or Venmo. (Thank you! ☕)

Are you for real with the trademarks?

Yes: I spent a lot of time and money registering them, so they’re definitely for real! Both The Lymphie Life and “Stay elevated.” are registered trademarks. It may seem strange or even selfish to trademark those phrases, but I’ve put a lot of work building up my blog and its brand, and that deserves protection.

What’s your policy on working with brands?

It’s really important for me to stay true to my readers, so I’m selective about who I work with. If the company, brand, or product is one that I truly feel is relevant and useful to the lymphedema community, I’m open to opportunities for collaboration.

Questions about Me

What type of lymphedema do you have?

I was born with primary lymphedema, however I wasn’t diagnosed until I was fourteen.

What compression stockings do you wear?

I’ve got a few pairs in rotation, but I’m usually wearing custom mediven 550 thigh-highs with attached toe caps during the day and a Solaris Tribute at night. If I’m just hanging out around the house, I’m in my Jobst Relax.

I also have a Lympha Press Optimal Plus compression pump.

Where do you live?

I live in the United States in Baltimore, Maryland. I was born and raised here, but I’ve also spent some time living in Burlington, Vermont, and Prescott, Arizona.

Can I add you as a friend on your personal social media?

You’re more than welcome to follow any of the public Lymphie Life social media accounts, however I prefer to keep some boundaries between my “public” life and my personal one. Please don’t be offended if I decline requests: I honestly don’t use Facebook that much anyway aside from posting on The Lymphie Life’s page!

Is that you in the photo up top?

Yes, that’s me! I used to love “playing office” at my Dad’s desk. That’s pretty much what I still look like some twenty-odd years later, chatting on the phone while working on the computer… Some things really don’t change.

…I’ll add more soon. Thanks, all! 💙

Last updated October 26, 2021.

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