Six years ago, I filmed a video from my dorm room in college.

A little rambling but good-intentioned, it featured my twenty-year-old self earnestly introducing me and my blog to the online world just a few days after the website launched:

When I made that video, I was a wee sophomore in college; what I imagined for myself and my life was completely different than what actually unfolded. I didn’t know it then, but it would take eight years, three different colleges, two cross-country moves, and a lot of personal growth before I’d even graduate.

But — I did it. Last week I received my Bachelor of Arts in English with a specialization in Professional Writing, and the realization of this dream was so overwhelming that I cried during the entire procession into the graduation ceremony — I just couldn’t believe it was finally happening. (I may have cried more than my family did!)

Finishing school and getting my degree was, for me, a symbol of coming through the other side of all the hardship and knowing I could carry myself. What I learned, though, was that the support from others had helped carry me, too. I owe so much to my family, my friends, and to you.

This blog and the lymphedema community at large has been such a grounding force for me, especially during those “lost” years where I wasn’t sure about much of anything. It’s really important to me that I can share this milestone with all of you and give a huge thank-you.

Whether you’ve just stumbled across the site from a Google search or if you’ve been reading since the beginning (hi Jim M., Meredith P., Allyson H. — just to name a few!), you’ve all been an incredible source of friendship and encouragement, and I want to acknowledge you for your support. You’ve helped me stay elevated, and for that I’m so grateful.

A lot has changed at The Lymphie Life in the six years since that video was made, including its name (“LymphAlexa” didn’t have quite the same ring to it!). It’s funny to watch it now and hear me talk about my vision for the blog, although I think my younger self would be pretty happy to see how it’s turned out. The site has evolved and grown just as I have, and will continue to do so!

Thank you for your readership. There’s a lot to come here at The Lymphie Life, so I do hope you continue along this journey with me. And, remember: Stay Elevated, but also keep elevating one another. Love to all!

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.”
